Saturday 8 June 2019


An Excel chart may be placed inside of a worksheet next to the data, or placed in a separate worksheet. Excel charts can also be copied to other software programs such as PowerPoint. Directions are given for each version of Microsoft Excel. Now let's learn how to create charts in Microsoft Excel!
Before selecting the data you wish to graph, it's helpful to have an idea of what chart type would best display your data. The type of data often determines the chart type.
If multiple chart types can be used for your data, choose the chart type that will help the user best visualize the patterns and relationships between the data values. See "Most Popular Chart Types" below.
When you chart in Excel, you chart one or more data series. A data series is a row or column of numbers that are entered into the worksheet for graphing.
A pie chart can only chart a single data series. If multiple data series are selected, Excel will ignore all but the first. The image below shows a single data series.
Most other chart types can handle multiple data series. In the worksheet below, we have outlined, in red, three data series (three rows in this case), which form a cell range.
Non-adjacent rows or columns can be selected, but they MUST form a rectangle.
The four most popular chart types in Excel are described below, along with the best use of each chart type.
To select the cells that contain the values you want shown in the chart, click and drag the cursor from the top left cell of your cell range to the bottom right cell of your range, including column and row headings when possible. Columns containing totals, like in our worksheet above (e.g. Year), are typically NOT selected for the chart.
Non-contiguous rows and columns of cells are selected by pressing and holding the Ctrl key while selecting. But remember that your selection must form a rectangle.
After you've chosen your chart type and selected the data series (rows or columns) to chart, follow the directions below to insert the chart into your spreadsheet in Excel version 2007 to the latest
Note:In the new versions of Excel, hover the cursor over a chart type or sub-type on the Insert ribbon to display a description of the chart.
  • Click the Insert tab.
  • Click the chart type from the Charts section of the ribbon. The sub-type menu displays.
  • Click the desired chart sub-type. The chart appears on the worksheet.
  • If you want to create a second chart, click somewhere in the worksheet to "deselect" the current chart first, or the new chart will replace the current chart.
To select an existing chart, click on its border, or click in an empty space inside the chart. When selecting a chart, be careful not to click on an element inside the chart or that element will be selected instead.
For further reading, go here

Wednesday 5 June 2019


Rotate Command     One of the commands that engravers will likely use quite often is the Rotate command, which allows users to turn an object around its center axis or around a point relative to its position. If you have a laser engraving system with a cylindrical engraving attachment then you’re probably accustomed to rotating your image 90 degrees whenever you need to process an object, in effect rotating the layout “sideways” to line it up with the orientation of the attachment. 
Once you are in the Transformation docker you can access the Rotate command simply by clicking on the Rotate button (Fig. 1, highlighted in green). When you rotate an image you are able to choose which point of the object that you want to be the anchor point. Whenever you rotate a shape, the anchor point becomes the axis of rotation, or the point about which the image will rotate (sort of like the center of an axle upon which a wheel rotates).
Scale and Mirror Command     Another command in the Transformation docker is the Scale and Mirror command, which allows you to either resize an object to a percentage of its original size or create a horizontal or vertical mirror image of an object. Figure 7 shows a document with the Scale and Mirror command open in the Transformation docker. There are two different mirror options which are located on the right side of the document in the blue box in Figure 7. The top option is the horizontal mirror which turns a right-reading layout into a left-reading layout (the kind traditionally used for so-called “reverse” engraving. The bottom button in Figure 7 is the vertical mirror, commonly used for so-called “upside down” engraving). The blue text located on the left side of the document indicates each of the options, while the black text directly to the right of the blue text shows what each option looks like after the mirror has been applied. 
Skew     The last command in the Transformation docker is the Skew command, which allows you to distort (“tilt”) an object. One of the applications for this command is to create “text effects” such as taking a block of upright text and making the characters lean off the vertical to create an “italicized” look. The end result of using this on a rectangle is to make the rectangle into a parallelogram.
     To access this command, simply click on the Skew icon in the Transformation docker (Fig. 11, highlighted in blue). Notice in Figure 11 that I have selected the object and typed in a horizontal skew of six degrees (highlighted in red). The original rectangle is outlined in red while the black box indicates our duplicated skewed rectangle. Notice that the duplicated rectangle is skewed on the top and the bottom of the rectangle.
     If you want to use an anchor point to create your skewed duplicate then select the “Use Anchor Point” check box. For example, in Figure 12 I have selected the bottom left selection handle as my anchor point. Now, if I type in the same six degree value as I used in Figure 11 then we will create a skewed box that is much different from the duplicate in Figure 11. See how the duplicated rectangle outlined in black in Figure 12 is only skewed at the top of the object. That’s because the bottom is anchored so it does not move.
For further reading, go here

The shape tool is by far the most important tool in this submenu, and deserves some explanation:

The shape tool is used for detailed changing of the shape of objects. To understand how the shape tool works, you should understand how objects in Coreldraw are defined. The shape of every vector object in Coreldraw is controlled by nodes. Lines run from node to node.
Curved lines are build from curve nodes. Curve nodes have two "arms", which guide the curves. The arms point in the direction in which the curve leaves the node. The length of the arm determines how much the curve is influenced by the "arm".

With the shape tool, you can move nodes and the node's arms, to change the shape of selected objects. The shape tool works immediately for objects created with theFreehand or Bezier tool. To edit the shape, first select the shape tool, next click on the shape you want to edit. Now click a node to select the individual nodes. To move a node, just drag it to a new position. For selected nodes, the arms will become visible, drag these arms to change the curving of the line.

Four ways to duplicate objects in CorelDRAW other than Copy and Paste:
  1. Ctrl + D: to put a duplicate "Duplicate Distance" away.
  2. Numpad +: to duplicate with zero offset.
  3. Right-click (a  sign will appear) while moving, rotating, or transforming objects and then release to drop a duplicate.
  4. Spacebar while moving, rotating, or transforming objects.
To change the Duplicate Distance
  1. Select nothing (click on blank space on the drawing window)
  2. Type values in the X (Horizontal offset) and Y (Vertical offset) boxes on the Property Bar
Or click Tools > Options > Document > General then type values in the X and Y boxes.
For more information go here



Excel provides a large number of built-in functions that can be used to perform specific calculations or to return information about your spreadsheet data. These functions are organised into categories (text, logical, math, etc.) to help you to locate the function you need from the Excel menu.
This lesson provides a complete Excel Functions list, grouped by category
  1. Text Functions 
  2. Logical Functions
  3. Information Functions 
  4. Date and Time Functions
  5. Lookup and Reference Functions 
  6. Math and Trig Functions
  7. Statistical Functions 
  8. Database Functions
  9. Financial Functions 
  10. Engineering Functions
  11. Cube Functions 
  12. Web Functions

For more information, visit

In Excel, you can quickly sort your data by using the A-Z and Z-A Sort buttons on the Ribbon's Data tab. But, be careful, or one column may be sorted, while others are not.
Only use this technique if there are no blank rows or columns within the data.
  1. Select one cell in the column you want to sort.
  2. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Data tab.
  3. Click Sort A to Z (smallest to largest) or Sort Z to A (largest to smallest)
4. Before you do anything else, check the data, to ensure that the rows have sorted correctly. If things look wrong, immediately click the Undo button on the toolbar.
Form more information, click

The filter feature applies a drop down menu to each column heading, allowing you to select specific choices to narrow a table. Using the above example, let’s say you wanted to filter your table by Company and Salesperson. Specifically, you want to find the number of sales Dylan Rogers made to Eastern Company.
To do this using the filter you would:
  • Go to the Data tab on Excel ribbon
  • Select the Filter tool
  • Select Eastern Company from the dropdown menu
  • Select Dylan Rogers from the Salesperson dropdown menu
For more information, go here

Saturday 18 May 2019


It's a very common situation. You have a worksheet with different pieces of data in different columns or rows that you need to put together into a single cell. Perhaps you have a list of people whose first, middle and last names are all sitting in different columns. Maybe you have a set of addresses where the street, city and postal code are in adjacent columns but you need to put them together for generating a mailing list. 
Fortunately, Excel 2016 (and all prior versions) make it very easy to grab data from many different cells and put it into one. Just don't confuse this "combining" with "merging," another Excel procedure which causes one cell to span across multiple columns, but only uses the content from that single cell. To combine cells in Excel:
1. Select a location where you want the new, combined cell(s) to appear. Most likely, you'll want to pick a new column that's to the right of your other cells, but you don't have to.

2. Type =B2&C2 into the formula bar where B2 and C2 are the addresses of the cells whose data you want to combine (it could be any two cells). You can use an unlimited number of ampersands to add an unlimited number of cells.
3. Include spaces between cells by adding &" " to the formula. Anything within the quotes will be rendered so it could be a space, a comma or any text you want.
4. Hit Enter to see how it renders
Copy and paste your formula to reproduce the results in other rows.

Ever created an Excel worksheet and wish that one or more of your cells could span across two or more columns? Excel 2016 and previous recent versions have a "merge" feature which lets you span a cell across multiple columns. So, for example, if you have a table and you want to have a centered header row that cuts across the entire space, you can do that with the merge feature.
However, it's important to note that the merge cells feature only causes a single cell to span across multiple columns; it does not combine the content from adjacent cells. So when you merge a series of cells, make sure that all but the leftmost are empty, because the content in any other selected cells will disappear (hitting CTRL + Z to undo will get it back). Here's how to merge cells in Excel 2016; these steps should also work in previous versions such as Excel 2013 and Excel 2010.
1. Select the cells that you want to merge. You select multiple cells in Excel by holding down the mouse button and dragging the cursor across columns or rows. 
2. Navigate to the Home tab in the office ribbon, if you aren't already there.
3. Select Merge & Center or Merge Across (if you want the text left aligned) from the Merge & Center menu.
Your single cell will now take up two, three or more. If you change your mind,  you can hit CTRL + Z to undo right away or select Unmerge cells from the Merge menu later.