Monday 21 September 2015

21 Laws From Around The Globe That Have Absolutely No Reasoning Behind Them

There are some incredibly odd laws that have sprung up
across the globe. Some are so incredibly specific, we'd
love to hear what the backstory behind them is.

1. A married woman is only allowed to have one glass of
wine in La Paz, Bolivia.
2. Chewing gum in the entire country of Singapore is
3. No sex on the steps of a church at night in Birmingham,
4. Capri, Italy has a ban on "noisy footwear." No flip-flops
or squeaky shoes.
5. There's a hot spring in Swaziland called Cuddle
Puddle, and it's ONLY for cuddling. No making love in
6. Melbourne, Australia has a ban on men wearing
strapless gowns in public.
7. A town in Alberta recently outlawed all swearing,
yelling and spitting. One step away from being the town
from Footloose.
8. No shooting open tin cans in Spades, Indiana.
9. Kissing in a moving vehicle in Eboli, Italy? Get ready to
pay a 415 Euro fine.
10. It's illegal to slurp soup in a restaurant in New Jersey.
11. If you make an ugly face at a dog in Oklahoma, you
can go to jail.
12. You can't ride an ugly horse in Wilbur, Washington.
13. In Hartford, Connecticut you are not allowed to teach
any dog anything.
14. You can be fined if you wink at a woman in Ottumwa,
15. Barbados has outlawed wearing camouflage for
anyone unless you're in their drug and defense forces.
16. If you're ice skating in Frankfurt, you better stay below
the speed limit of 50 miles per hour.
17. Sorry anyone in Britain, you can't sell cooked tripe in
the country. Raw is good to go.
18. If you're working at a cheese factory in Ferrara, Italy,
it's illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory.
19. A woman is only allowed to skydive in Florida on a
Sunday if she is married.
20. If you want to cary your violin down the street in Salt
Lake City, you better not have it in a paper bag.
21. In Iran it's legal to have sex with a domesticated
animal, but illegal to have sex with wild animals.


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