Wednesday 25 November 2015


With great sense of humility and respect, i write to beseech the above mentioned body to rescue our freshers.
There are many issues lingering around the school administration for the sustainability and convenience of admission activities in this our great citadel of learning. The fact still remains that all these youngmen and youngwomen that have chosen TASUED to set goals for their future are not in one way or the other made any wrong move, but giving them uncomprehending problem(s) is what we really need to do away with.
There are numerous freshers that paid and did their ONLINE O LEVEL VERIFICATION but unable to see their names in order to collect the code which will enable them to pay for their tuition fee.
You could imagine for a candidate using 2 sittings, paid #600 online, paid another #400 for printing and later discovered that his or her O level result was verified by the ICT but was misplaced by the Admission Office. This is nothing but nonchalant attitude towards their responsibilities.
If Admission Office could not handle less than 5,000 candidates' O Level result(s), why cant they just provide another means of verification for convenient purpose. Dont forget that they paid for these verification which is not that easy after they must have spent their last dine on Acceptance fee and printing of documents.
We should also not forget that their parents are still running here and there in order to sort for their tuition fee which is not that affordable. All these students can not continue spending lavishly as TASUED want them to be doing. School authority even set test date for general courses which will commence on 1st of December, 2015, but not possible for those that have not paid their tuition fee.
I think the school management should ask the admission office the situation at hand. We should not also forget that freshers can not pay for their tuition fee without O level verification and these verification is lagging behind the trouser.
I also want to depict on the way admin workers are relating with these poor freshers. I dont really need to mention name(s), but the school management really need to relocate much of them to TASCE because they dont worth working in higher institution like TASUED. Please on what ground will a good administrator tell the students to wait outside till 10am while He/she has been in the office since 8:15am. Most of them do rain series of curses on these poor children. Please, permit me to say they've already satisfied with the money lingering in their bank account and they really need to be removed from that sit. They are not interested in working for TASUED any longer and they are somehow lazy (But not all).
TASUED even gave admission to set of students as Direct entry but could not take responsibility of their deeds. Why on earth will they give admission to some students, collect their acceptance fee and later saying the names of their school is not in the Jamb brochure. Please, was that not taken care off before giving them admission or the money is what TASUED after?
This is a standardize school and we really need to maintain our dignity and integrity.  I wish our YES is yes and NO is no.
I am pleading to the Stake holders and the alumni to please liase with the admission office for better administrative works.


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