Friday 29 July 2016

Anklet Wearing: GOOD or BAD

Is Wearing Anklet a SIN or BEAUTY
First thing I want to shed light on is the meaning of Anklet.This is also called an ankle bracelet or ankle string which is an ornament work around the ankle by both male and female in the olden days. It was referred as a way of beautifying lets in the olden days as wearing of foot-wears was not rampant. This act could be traced back to Egypt as anklet were work as an everyday ornament by Egyptian women of all social classes from early per-dynastic times. The name is not different to that of bracelet as the phrase is denoted from the connection to the feet. This anklet were made of different metals and in multiple shapes,with more expensive metal like gold ring more common among the rich, while less expensive metals like gold being more common among the rich. During the fourth, fifth, and sixth dynasties, anklets were usually made of beads threaded in several rows held together with space-bar. anklet were also wore by dancers in those days.
Biblically, the name was mentioned twice in the bible in the book of Isaiah 3: 16 & 18 as those
"Moreover, the Lord said 'because the daughters of Zion are proud and walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, and go to along with mincing steps', 17 'therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, and the Lord will make their foreheads bare 18 'In that day the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, headhands, crescent ornaments and their curls, and their round tires like the moon.
In verse 16, the phrase "tinkle the bangles" refers to anklets that make noise as the person walk. They were common in ancient times and are still in use in modern times. In verse 18, the word is obvious since it i translated as "anklet."
So far so good, the bible does not say anything positive or negative towards anklets. That does not implies that wearing anklet is bad neither it is good. It depends on the motive and personal reasons on wearing such ornaments.
It is a general feelings that ladies who wear anklet are generally classified as harlot and prostitute. Meanwhile, all these ornament were used in the olden days. Lets take a look at the way ladies architect their body with Henna plants (Lali) which they also draw same sign on their ankles.
In conclusion, please note that when anklets are mentioned in Isaiah 3:16-18, the heart attitude of the women wearing them was wrong. They were dressing and adorning themselves with jewelry to attract attention to themselves. As a result, God was displeased with their pride and consequently removed their outward ornament. God is more concerned with our heart attitude than our external appearance.
It pleases God to have attractive and better heart than attractive beauty.

What is your view?


  1. I am 100% agree with you. Very powerful explanation. May God richly bless u with more divine wisdom and understand of his word.


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