Monday 1 August 2016

Human Resource Practices and Employee Retention

I made a research on Human Resource practices and employee retention in an organization where two different public organizations were used. Having reviewed complementing HR practices under the AMO framework of Ability, Motivation and Opportunity, it is important for managers to note that for employees to engage in behaviours that are beneficial to the sustainability of organizational competitive advantage the three conditions of AMO must apply. 
1.      There must be sufficient number of employees with the required ability (skills, experience, knowledge, etc) to do current and potential jobs.
2.      There must be reasonable motivation for them to maximally utilize their abilities. These motivational factors could take the form of financial or non-financial incentives but must certainly include social rewards (and sanctions) and recognition of input as applied by co-workers and immediate bosses.
3.      There must be an opportunity to engage in discretionary behaviour (thus the importance of job definition). Opportunity is the invitation to have employees participate and get involved in organizational tasks of goal attainment. This should occur both within the job itself in terms of how the job can best be done (known as ‘on-line participation’) and outside the job as a member of a team or work area, and a ‘citizen’ of the organization (off line-participation).
From the results derived from the three hypotheses, management is advised to focus more engaging employee participation and career planning programs. This will lead to the employees been more committed to the task given to them.

Manager is also advised to retain more talented employee rather than applying favouritism to the nature of the work.
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