Tuesday 4 August 2015


Weeds that complete their life cycle from seed to seed in one year or less.  They grow, set seed, and die out completely.  Only new plants are those germinated from seed and appear the following year. Examples of annual weeds are
1.      groundsel
2.      mallow
3.      pigweed
4.      purslane
5.      African lovegrass
6.      African tulip tree
7.      Aleman grass
8.      Alligator weed
9.      Annual ragweed
11.  Athel pine
15.  Crabgrass
16.  Chickweed
17.  Morning Glory
18.  Quackgrass
19.  Purslane
20.  Shepherd's Purse
Weeds that complete their life cycle in 2 years.  During the first year, they produce leaves, stems, and a root system. The cold winter that follows this vegetative growth will help initiate flower development. In the spring and summer of the second year, the weeds will flower, set seed, and die. Examples of biennial weeds are
1.      sherpherd's purse
2.      Yellow rocket
3.      Wild mustard
4.      Birdsrape mustard
5.      Birdsrape mustard
6.      White campion (cockle)
7.      Hairy vetch
8.      Carolina geranium (crane's bill)
9.      Common mallow
10.  Oldfied toadflax
11.  Common mullein
12.  bristly oxtongue
13.  Bull thistle
14.  Annual fleabane
15.  Prickly lettuce
16.  Bristly oxtongue
17.  Musk thistle
18.  Spotted knapweed (Star thistle)
19.  Common burdock
20.  Giant hogweed
Weeds that live longer than 2 years and usually have a more extensive root system that the other two life cycles. Examples of perennial weeds are
1.      White heath aster
2.      bindweeds
3.      oxalis
4.      poison oak
5.      African boxthorn
7.      Dandelion
8.      Barleria prionitis
9.      Giant hogweed
10.  Dusty miller
11.  Perennial sowthistle
12.  Yellow hawkweed
13.  Orange hawkweed
14.  Mouse-ear hawkweed
15.  Common catsear (false dandelion)
16.  Oxeye daisy
17.  Dogfennel
18.  Chicory (coffee-weed)
19.  Common milkweed
20.  Common yarrow
An autotroph weed is an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals. Because autotrophs produce their own food, they are sometimes called producers. Plants are the most familiar type of autotroph, but there are many different kinds of autotrophic organisms.
1.      Aloe vera
2.      Trillium cuneatum
3.      Alternanthera
4.      Amaranthus
5.      Celosia
6.      Digeri,
7.      Gomphrena
8.      Notorichium
9.      Ptilotus
10.  Alyssum
11.  Brassica
12.  Cakile
13.  Capsella
14.  Sisymbrium
15.  Agrostemma
16.  Arenaria
17.  Cerastium
18.  Calobanthus
19.  Dianthus
20.  Lychni
Unlike the other type of weeds, parasitic weeds have neither roots nor leaves as the others. However, they attach themselves to the trees, seeds and thorns from which they absorb moisture and nutrients like the worm does, who creeps on leaves of the trees and stems of plants, cuts up and eats to absorb his nutrients.
1.      Dendrophtoe
2.      Tapinantus
3.      Amyema
4.      Viscum
5.      Phoradendron
6.      Arceutobium
7.      Striga
8.      Parentucellia
9.      Melampyrum
10.  Pedicularis
11.  Bellardia
12.  Orobanche
13.  Cistanche
14.  Phelypaea
15.  Cuscuta
16.  Cassytha
17.  Christisoni
18.  Amyema
19.  Dicaeum
20.  Dendrophthoe pentandra


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