Tuesday 4 August 2015


Weed species that completes its life cycle (seed to seed) within one growing season or one calendar year
4.      Cuscuta spp. (dodder)
Perennial weeds are more of a problem because they can live for several years. They survive the winter by storing food in their roots. These roots make them harder to get rid of than annual weeds. Some are difficult to dig out and others spread underground.
1.      johnsongrass,
2.      buckhorn plantain,
3.      sagebrush
4.      Bindweed (creeping jenny)
5.      field bindweed,
6.      quackgrass,
7.      Canada thistle
8.      Broadleaved dock
9.      Mouse-ear Chickweed
10.  Selfheal
11.  Creeping Cinquefoil
12.  Dandelion
13.  Cats Ear
14.  Creeping Buttercup
15.  Birds-foot trefoil
16.  The Daisy
17.  Bindweed- available
18.  Campanula
19.  Brambles
20.  Cough Grass
Weed species that completes its life cycle over two growing seasons.
1.      wild carrot,
2.      common mullein,
3.      musk thistle
4.      Hairy galinsoga
5.      Parsley
6.      Sweet William Dwarf plant
7.      Urticaceae
8.      dandelion
9.      American stinging nettle
10.  slender nettle
11.  tall nettle
12.  tall wild nettle
13.  wild nettle
14.  wallflower
15.  Clover
16.  Prickly lettuce
17.  wild carrot
19.  dandelion
20.  American stinging nettle
In plant kingdom there is a competition for habitat (biotop), nutrition (food), and reproduction. For autotrophic plants nutrition is guaranteed by formation of:
  • chlorophyll + solar energy
  • organic substances (sugar, starch etc.)
  • uptake of water and minerals
  • anorganic substances
Examples are;
1.      Oxalis
2.      Crabgrass
3.      Bindweed
4.      Creeping Charlie
5.      Lamb's-Quarter
6.      Plantain
7.      Dayflower
8.      Velvetleaf
9.      Purslane
10.  Smartweed
11.  Canada Thistle
12.  Pigweed
13.  Quickweed
14.  Knotweed
15.  Pokeweed
16.  Black Medic
17.  Dock
18.  Fleabane
19.  Henbit
20.  Prostrate Spurge
A parasitic plant acquires nutrients through direct association with host plant rather than competing with the plants
1.      Pyrularia pubera
2.      P. pubera
3.      S. cassioides
4.      Seymeria
5.      Parentucellia latifolia (Orobanchaceae)
6.      Cassytha
7.      C. campestris
8.      S. asiatica
9.      S. hermonthica
10.  O. ramose
11.  O. cernua
12.  O. crenata
13.  Christisonia wightii
14.  Aeginetia
15.  Christisonia
16.  Amyema
17.  Dicaeum
18.  Theobroma cacao
19.  Dendrophthoe pentandra
20.  Tapinanthus bangwensis


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