Thursday 6 August 2015


Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Another way to possess your possessions is by faith. You cannot receive anything from God outside faith. Today's text says without faith it is impossible to please God. Not without tears. Your tears will only worsen things for you. It is faith that moves the Almighty God. You will not shed tears over that issue again except the tears of joy in Jesus Name. What is this faith? It is the substance of things hoped for... God has given you all things but you need the substance to make it real in the physical. What is this substance? The substance is "HOPE." Faith is the substance of things "hoped" for. You must not give up. Keep your hope alive. So many people give up too soon; no wonder they don’t see any blessing. Hope is what fertilizes faith thereby producing a miracle called testimony. How do you keep your hope alive? Believe. Believe what? 
(1) You must believe that God is always right and that He is always on time. He makes all things beautiful in His time (Eccl 3:11). Thank Him in everything. Don't complain else, it will complicate your issue. 
(2) You must trust God. Don't serve Him because of what you can get from Him. Job said that even if God slays him he will still trust Him till his change comes. (Job 13:15). 
(3) You must believe that God is always faithful. God is at work in you. He is not through with you yet. When a building is in progress, from the foundation, it doesn’t look appealing but when it is completed and painted you will see the beauty. 
(4) You must beware of haste. He that believes does not make haste. (Is 28:16). Don’t be plagued by anxiety. There is no shame to them that are patient. You need patience. Patience is a proof that you believe God.


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