Wednesday 5 August 2015


For many students that has been clamouring of postutme past questions, for those that has been looking for postutme tutorial and any form of assistance in order to achieve good marks, i think my word of advise for you is to be very vigilant and be oriented.
If you are doing like a JJC, you will be addressed and treated like a new comer.
Do you know that you are the architect of your own fortune, nobody can help you to achieve your dream but through your determination and fervent prayers it is very possible within a twinkle of an eye.
Stop disturbing yourself about postutme tutorial and orientation because that is what some tasuedites will use to get along with your poor and innocent personality.
Meanwhile, if you really need tutorial or orientation, why dont you attach yourself to the well known body with great moral hemisphere. 
Christian Union (CU) which is the parent body of all the christians in the school and
MSS (Muslim Student Society) which is also the parent organization to all Muslims. These two organizations has great things in stock for you without collecting any dine from. Why don't you attach yourself to them and learn whatever you wish to know. You don't need to attach yourself with any individual (especially you ladies) before you get your wants.
Secondly, If you really want to come and sleep over, as a woman, look for other woman like you or locate any fellowship for help. As a man, i know you are very strong and agile, but beware of who you will seek help from. Many students are outside there looking for freshers to lore into their mess. 
Come to the examination hall before 7:00am depending on the day your seat number fall to (Saturday or Sunday) in as much it will start around 7:30am.
Dont forget that you are going to handle computer for your examinations, if you dont know how to operate it, just look for somebody to teach you how to click and follow instrutions, within 30 minutes, you will learn required skills for the day.
TASUED has made everything easy for everybody, Just enter any cafe of your choice within your geographical area today or tomorrow, supply your JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER and SURNAME into the portal for you to be able to print your EXAMINATION ACCESS CARD. Whithout this card, you can never be given an opportunity to enter exams hall because it contains vital information they need to know about your registrations. Advantage of you printing it before you come to the venue of examination is that; it will save your money and time. If you come to OSOSA which is the examination venue without printing it, definitely you will spend almost #500 to print it from business men.
Also know that TASUED ICT security is not that too epileptic, they are trying all their best to make is strong if and only if they wish to do it. Dont give your money to anybody for the upgrading of any score. I mean dont ever meet anybody to upgrade your post-utme scores. There is no question they'll set that you've never came across of the type in your life. It depends on your commitment to achieve a great success. Prepare very well and be conversant with your English Comprehension and Concord, Current affairs is not that much in their questions depending how lucky you'll be on that day in as much the question will be generated randomly. It also requires simple mathematics. If you can help yourself in the above aspects, believe me that you will get there.
What of if total number of people participated in the examinations is not that encouraging, that is giving you upper hand to be admitted because no matter the size of any school, she will surely admit upto 3,000 which i believe you should be among.
The journey of life starts from POSTUTME, how your candidature will look like starts now. How you want people to consider starts from this moment. I am very sure that there are many of you that manipulated their Primary school results and secondary school results. Do you still want to manipulate post-utme? will you be able to manipulate the authenticity of your certificate when the time comes for you to defend it in front of interviewers and moderators? 
Note that for many tasuedites that can testify into this; if you come in through window, you'll be morally executed through the opened door because the door is always open for people like that.  
In Summary, Print your examination access card which will indicate the date your own batch will do the exams, the amount you paid, your picture to avoid impersonation, your information, venue of the exams and time you will have your exams. Seek help from appropriate body and be smart enough to see what is going on around you.

If you also want us to print your pass for you at the rate of #200, kindly show an interest by dropping your JAMB NUMBER and SURNAME. We will print it for and bring it to exam venue for you before you pay.
I wish you best of luck in your examinations


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