Saturday 22 August 2015


1Sam 2:30b "...but now the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed."
I promised to reveal to you by the help of the Holy Ghost ways by which you and I can honour God so as to receive His honour in return. My dear, the best and most powerful way to honour God is not with our words, our songs, our wishes or our good intentions. It is with our wealth and with those things that matter the most to us (Prov 3:9-10). To honor God means to put Him first in our priorities, in our spending, in our budgeting, in our relationships and in our values. We don't honour God by giving Him our spare time, leftovers or when it is convenient. It is easier to say you honour God than to find yourself doing it. Mere words are cheap, but your time and your wealth are not cheap. When you give up those things that matter the most to you for God, when you go out of your way to please Him, when you put yourself through inconveniences and severe sacrifices for Him, that's what it means to honour Him. There is no better way to honour God. You must cultivate the habit of giving your time, your first and your best to God. We honour God also by obeying His instructions at all costs. One of the most obvious ways we dishonour God is to be disobedient. Many find possible reasons or excuses why they disobey God. Don't make yourself one! We dishonour God when we take credit for what God has done in our lives. Our pride often prevents us from giving credit where credit is due. Honouring God is an act of humility. Rather than acknowledging God behind our achievements, we often link them to our skills, hard work, connections, etc. It may be true that we worked hard or are connected but never forget, God made it possible!



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