Sunday 25 June 2017


I saw this post and I think I should share it too. Please talk to you children, especially girls. Ladies, money is not everything. 

Before you date or follow a guy because of wealth, ask for his source of income please.
I heard about a girl who broke up with her Yahoo+ guy, why? She had a female condom on without him knowing and found 

maggots on it after sex.
I also heard some other girls weren't so lucky, they've hospitalized for months now. The same maggots story, but they didn't 

have condoms on
These plus boys are raping their mums, sleeping in coffins, killing their parents, having anal sex with guys, some eat fasces, kill 

people and so on just for money.
Please warn your daughters in school! All that glitters are not Gold. Kindly share this to create more awareness.
Your children will not be a victim of money ritual in Jesus Mighty Name. 
You better say Amen


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